Game Studio Tycoon 2

Yet another one of my favorite kinds of game! You can get it via Play Store using Android.

So basically, I started the game by trying out all the combinations possible. I did some research online but they weren’t accurate therefore I decided to figure it out myself.

When you’re not confident with hiring, don’t hire anyone just yet. But in case you find the ones asking for low salaries around 7-9k, you should definitely grab them and train them along the way.

By far, the best scores I made is from developing Action games with Ninja and Fantasy themes.

So much money I made that I didn’t even bother much spending on the upgrades, even when I didn’t really need them, increasing the hype (only when the game was about to be released), ads and booths.

As for the consoles, I chose the best selling ones. Drag the sliders for graphics and sound to the max, leaving the logic as it is, works perfectly.

Other good combos are Simulation – Racing and Shooter – Zombie.

I didn’t check the trends anymore, not even wasting time naming the games I created. The money I earned was sufficient for managing MMOs, expanding the studio and creating a console.

There’s a downside with having every team developing games at the same time. When a game is about to be released, somehow the button doesn’t show up and I mistakenly click the ‘release early’ for another game, causing it to be incomplete. The window for booth notification will popup all of a sudden and many times I clicked ‘no booth’ accidentally.

If this occurs to you, try slowing down by pausing the game once in a while, though this method didn’t really work that well.

My aim was the achievements. I completed the game by reaching the year 2016 without creating the ultimate gaming machine.

I was hoping I could find the combination online for the ultimate gaming machine but even though I tried several times (the attempts cost a lot of money) there was no luck. So I decided to leave the game as it was.

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